My mission is to help hair and beauty professionals learn the business SMARTS that they need to succeed, but were never taught in school, so they can finally scale their passion with confidence.
Every Salon, Spa or Clinic professional deserves an amazing life, so I teach them how to achieve freedom of TIME, build an incredible TEAM and finally make an abundance of MONEY!
My $ALON800 program is designed to help you generate $800 more in revenue every, single week!
How does this magic work?
Well, we take a deep dive into your business and find all the areas where money is getting overlooked, lost and/or taken advantage of, and then, we put it all back in your pocket.
This 8-week accelerator is your ultimate “go-to” for getting clarity on your beauty business. It shows you where to focus your energy, so you can finally take yourself and your team to the next level.